Thursday, September 13, 2007

Some more face book posts

Sorry for the archives. But here are some more facebook notes. These ones are called " On the Other Hand"

A place for the opposite of the "Links of the Apocalypse"..(Updated 31 August 2007)

(31 August 2007)

Don't know why, but I find the fact that a bunch of monks are ticked at an anonymous internet user over some story they posted just hilarious! I mean I kind of get it, after all who doesn't hate ninjas. (Or is that just me?)

Go get them Shoalin monks! Show them your Kung Fu outrage and lawyer-ing is stronger than theirs! HAHAHAHAHA!

Love this story about the Young At Heart Chorus, a collection of elderly singing rock songs.

And here's a link to them singing Cold Play's 'Fix You'. Strangely haunting.

Satchel Paige was a baseball pitcher. A great pitcher, but not a learned scholar. However he has a great collection of quotes that I enjoy more than just about anyone else. Check this out and I hope you'll like them too.

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